I decided to take yesterday morning off from the Art Market and I had a fabulous morning! I started by walking the dog, then I grabbed my coffee and headed to the River Market to do some shopping, hit up an estate sale, and finally made it to the bead store for work.
So, the point of this entry... I found a great new artist at the market. Her name is Heather Montgomery and she makes these fabulous pendants from old stamps.
The peacock is from Czechoslovakia 1975, the horse is from Hungary 1973, the bird is from Malagasy 1991, the penguins are from Hungary 1987. She does such a fantastic job sealing these unique little pieces of art and often times history onto clay tiles, resulting in a fabulous pendant. Check out her website at www.heatherjmontgomery.com and stay tuned to my blog to see what I create out of my new finds. (and yes Maureen, I was thinking of you when I picked out the bird and penguins!)